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white truffle

The white truffle, also known as summer truffle, is a rare and precious type of truffle that grows underground, generally near the roots of trees. It is recognized for its subtle and delicate flavor and its strong and characteristic odor. White truffle is often used in the kitchen to flavor dishes, especially sauces, omelettes and risottos. It is also often grated on the dishes to add a touch of flavor. Although their high price can be intimidating, a little white truffle can go far and add a luxury level to any meal.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

22 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
5 Mg
318 Mg
3 G
3 G
2 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
2 Mg
0 Mg
9 Mg
Food fibers
1 G
3 Mg


How to make white almond puree ?
To make white almond puree, use emonded almonds. Mix them with neutral oil.
How to make white sauce for rice ?
To make white sauce for rice, mix the butter and flour over low heat using a whisk to well amalgamate the two ingredients. Highly beat the preparation while adding court-bouillon. Mix without stopping until the sauce thickens. Perfume the sauce with nutmeg.
How to make the white fajitas sauce ?
To make the white sauce for the fajitas, prepare a mixture of Greek yogurt and fresh cream. It is also possible to prepare the sauce with cottage cheese. In any case, give pep to your sauce by adding spices, aromatic herbs (chives, coriander ...) or shallots.
How to make the white sauce for cucumber ?
To make the white sauce for cucumber, mix cottage cheese with crème fraîche. This sauce can also be made with Greek yogurt. Add mint, parsley or chives to give pep to the sauce.
How to do white blood ?
To prepare white blood, let infuse spices (cinnamon, clove, etc.) in cooked white wine. Use seasonal fruits that will be sweeter and tasty. Prepare your white Sangria for a few hours, or even the day before tasting. Favor an artisanal lemonade less sweet than other sodas.
How to make white sauce ?
To make white sauce, use the same quantity of butter, flour and liquid (meat, poultry or vegetable broth, or shortfall of fish). Cook the sauce in a thick bottom saucepan for better distribution of heat. Mix constantly for a smooth and lump -free sauce.
How to make white sauce kebab ?
To make white sauce for Kebab, mix Greek yogurt, lemon juice and mayonnaise. You can also use cottage cheese instead of yogurt. Raise your sauce by adding strong mustard and pepper, soft pepper, garlic or cumin. Add milk according to the desired texture.
How to make white sauce for pasta ?
To make white paste sauce, use a mixture of mascarpone, whole liquid cream and poultry broth. It is also possible to enhance the pasta with a sauce made of cream and lemon juice raised with mustard.
What are the white meat spices ?
To enhance the taste of white meat, choose ginger, curry, turmeric, smoked paprika, cardamom or Sichuan pepper. Opt for the star anise for cooked casseroles in casserole or for a poultry baked in the oven.

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