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The card is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family of Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Cardenette or Coldonette because of its resemblance to the thistle. The card is from Europe and Asia and has been introduced into many other countries around the world. Card is a edible plant that can be used in cooking in various ways. Card leaves are often used in salads and soups, and have a slightly bitter and peppery taste. They can be cooked as spinach or added to quiches, pies or frittatas. The card stems are also edible, although they are generally harder and fibrous than the leaves. They can be cut into small pieces and added to soups or soups, or grilled and served as an accompaniment vegetable. It is important to note that the card contains oxalates, which can be harmful for certain people if they are consumed in large quantities. It is therefore recommended not to consume it excessively and vary your diet by including other vegetables in your diet.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

17 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
170 Mg
400 Mg
4 G
0 G
0 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
2 Mg
0 Mg
42 Mg
Food fibers
1 G
70 Mg


How to choose the cardes ?
Look for cards with firm and straight rods, without signs of withering or brown spots. The leaves must be bright and fresh green, without brands of diseases or pests. If you buy cardes with leaves, make sure they are also cool and in good condition.
How to cook the cards ?
Cards can be used to make a gratin. Cut the cardes into pieces and cook them with cream and cheese to create a tasty and comforting dish. Cards can be added to soups to add texture and flavor. They are particularly good in vegetable soups. Cards can be jumped with garlic and spices to create a simple but delicious dish. They marry well with rice dishes and vegetables.
What are the varieties of the cards ?
Cardes can come from different varieties of plants, including cardtops, cardons and thistles.
What are the benefits of the cards ?
The cards, also known as chard, are rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. They also contain dietary fiber and antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
How to keep the cards ?
Remove the green leaves and the damaged parts of the cards. Wash them carefully with cold water to remove all dirt or residues. Wrap them in absorbent paper or a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag. Keep them in the vegetable trap on the refrigerator. Cardes can be kept up to a week.

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