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How to season a celery salad ?
There are several ways to season a celery salad, according to everyone's tastes and the use that is made. Here are some seasoning ideas for a celery salad: 1) Vinaigrette 2) Lemon and herbs 3) Garlic and spices 4) Walnut and cheese 5) Balsamic and honey vinegar.
How to beat the eggs for an omelet ?
- Break the eggs in a bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. - Beat the eggs with a whisk until they are well mixed.
How to know if the apples are ripe ?
There are several ways to know if the apples are ripe: - a ripe apple should be firm and smooth. If the apple is soft or damaged, it means that it is too ripe. - The color of the apple depends on the variety, but a ripe apple must have a uniform and shiny color. - A ripe apple must have a sweet and fruity smell. If the apple has no smell or if it smells mold, it means that it is not ripe. - The best way to know if an apple is ripe is to taste it. A ripe apple must be juicy and sweet.
What a fruit goes well with the apple ?
- The apple goes well with citrus fruits such as orange, lemon and grapefruit. These fruits add freshness and acidity to apple. - The apple goes well with berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. These fruits add flavor and apple color. - The apple goes well with nuts like almonds, nuts and pecan. These fruits add texture and apple flavor. - The apple goes well with exotic fruits such as pineapple, papaya, mango and guava. These fruits add flavor and apple color.
How to season zucchini ?
There are several ways to season zucchini, according to everyone's tastes and the use that is made. Here are some seasoning ideas for zucchini: 1) Olive oil, salt and pepper 2) Garlic and grasss 3) grated parmesan and breadcrumbs 4) honey and spices
How to wash the morels ?
- Place the morels in a bowl of cold water and allow them to soak for about 15 minutes. - Use a small brush or a soft sponge to gently remove the earth and the impurities of the morels. Do not rub them too hard not to damage the morels. - Drain the morels and rinse them with cold water. - Drain the morels well and gently wipe them with absorbent paper.
How to keep the garlic ?
Hi keep the garlic well: -It to buy fresh and firm garlic so that it can be kept as long as possible .-- Keep the garlic at room temperature and do not put it in the fridge .-- Store the garlic in a well-ventilated place .-- Keep the garlic heads in a dark and dry place usually a corner in the shade on the worktop ...-
How to make apples darken ?
- Immerse the apples in water with a little lemon or vinegar juice before cutting or using them. This will help prevent blackening due to oxidation. - Keep the apples in a cool and dry place. The apples should be stored at a cool temperature (2 and 4 ° C) and out of humidity to prevent them from blackening. - Cover the cut apples with a plastic film or an aluminum leaf to protect them from the air. This will help slow oxidation and prevent blackening.
How to dry apple slices ?
- Wash and cut the apples into slices about 1/4 thick thickness, removing the cores and the seeds. - Immerse the apple slices in water with a little lemon or vinegar juice to prevent them from darkening. -Drain the apple slices and wipe them thoroughly with paper towels to remove all traces of humidity. - Place the apple slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or aluminum foil. - Place the baking sheet in the oven at low temperature (between 140 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit) and let them dry for about 4 to 6 hours, turning them every hour for uniform drying. - Regularly check the apple slices to check if they are dry enough. The apple slices are dry when they are flexible and they fold easily. -Once the apple slices are dry, remove them from the oven and let them cool completely before storing them in an airtight container or a freezing bag labeled with the drying date.
What are the apple vitamins ?
- Apple is a good source of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. - The apple contains vitamin A which is important for the health of the skin, the eyes and the immune system. - Apple contains B vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6 which help regulate metabolism and maintain the nervous system in good. - The apple contains vitamin K which is important for blood coagulation and bone health.
What are the uses of djansang ?
These seeds are widely used in the kitchen in West and Central Africa. Crushed or crushed, and incorporated into various preparations such as soups, fish and meats, they play the role of aroma and thickening.
That should drink whole milk ?
Whole milk contains essential nutrients. It is suitable for children up to 4 years old and fragile elderly people who eat little.
What is the difference between whole milk and skim milk ?
Whole milk is richer in vitamins in particular in vitamins A and D and is very creamy and tasty, while skimmed milk has a more neutral flavor and its nutritional qualities are also different and less rich in vitamins.
How to eat sugar ?
Succine is often used in salads. It has a crisp texture and a slightly sweet flavor. It can be used alone or mixed with other leafy vegetables or ingredients of your choice for a varied salad.
How to keep the sugar ?
Wrap the sugar in a perforated plastic bag or in a wet vegetable bag. This prevents air from circulating and maintains humidity around the leaves. Keep everything in the refrigerator for about 3 to 5 days.
What are the benefits of the sugar salad ?
- Succine is an excellent source of A and K vitamins, as well as minerals such as iron and calcium. Vitamin A is important for eye health and vitamin K helps blood clotting. Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells and calcium is important for the health of bones and teeth. - Succine contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthine, which can protect against damage caused by free radicals and help prevent heart disease and cancer. - Succine contains fibers that can help improve digestion and regulate stool. - Succine is a very low calorie salad, making it an excellent option for those looking to lose weight. - It also contains important nutrients such as folate, vitamins C, E, and B6, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
What are the benefits of djansang ?
- Camotothecin present in Djansang has been shown to have anti -cancer properties against cancer cells, helping to kill cancer cells. It is often used as an anti -cancer agent in combination with other drugs. - Djansang extracts have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which could make them useful in the treatment of certain inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
What are the types of ricotta ?
There are several types of ricotta, each with different characteristics and uses. - Fresh Ricotta: It is the most common form of Ricotta, made from cow or sheep milk. - Ricotta refined: it is made in the same way as the fresh ricotta, but is then refined for a longer period of time. - Salted Ricotta: it's the same ricotta as fresh but it is salty, it is used for savory dishes. - Dried ricotta: This ricotta is made from the fresh ricotta which is then dried in the sun.
What is fresh ricotta ?
It is the most common form of Ricotta, made from cow or sheep milk. It has a slightly grainy texture and is often used to make lasagna, cannelloni and cakes such as ricotta and strawberries.
What is the refined ricotta ?
It is made in the same way as the fresh ricotta, but is then refined for a longer period of time to give a more pronounced taste and a firmer texture. It is often used to make pie pasta or as ingredient in savory dishes such as lasagna and cannelloni.

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