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pineapple victoria

Victoria pineapple is a variety of pineapple that was developed in the 19th century in Great Britain. It is known for its juicy and sweet flesh, as well as for its smooth and spine -free skin. Victoria pineapple is also known to be one of the easiest pineapple to cut and prepare. This variety of pineapple is from the region of the former British colony of Victoria, East Africa, from where it takes its name. Victoria pineapple is a source of vitamin C and manganese, and is also rich in dietary fiber. It is often used as an ingredient in smoothies, fruit salads and desserts, but it can also be consumed alone as a healthy snack.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

50 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
1 Mg
109 Mg
13 G
0 G
10 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
47 Mg
0 Mg
12 Mg
Food fibers
1 G
13 Mg


How to caramelize pineapple ?
To caramelize pineapple, heat butter with sugar, and brown the fruit slices for 2 or 3 minutes.
How to freeze fresh pineapple ?
To freeze fresh pineapple, peel it, remove the fibrous heart, then cut it into pieces. Place them in freezing bags before putting them in the freezer. This fruit can also be reduced in puree before being frozen.
How to cut a pineapple in slices ?
To cut a pineapple into slices, cut the ends of the fruit with a sharp knife. Peel the pineapple before cutting it into slices. Use a cookie cutter to cut the hard and white part in the middle of each slice.
How to remove the heart of the pineapple ?
To remove the heart of a pineapple, cut the fruit into quarters before cutting the hard part. It is also possible to cut the pineapple in slice before removing the heart by pushing a small cookie cutter in the center of each washer.
How to grow pineapple at home ?
To grow a pineapple at home, remove the flesh and the first row of pineapple crown leaves to facilitate ramification. Plant the crown directly in a humidified soil. It is also possible to place it in a glass of water and only plant it in the ground after formation of the roots. Sprinkle the pineapple regularly to promote its growth.
How to make a pineapple carpaccio ?
To make a carpaccio of pineapple, use a sharp knife to cut the fruit in several slices as finely as possible. Drizzle with a flavored vanilla, ginger or lemon syrup.
How to prepare a fresh pineapple ?
To prepare a fresh pineapple, cut the base and the upper part with the pineapple leaves before placing it on a cutting board. Peel it by sliding the blade with a sharp knife between flesh and skin following its oblong and rounded shape. Remove the eyes using a spoon to lift. Then slice the pineapple lengthwise and remove the central part (hard and fibrous).
What part of the pineapple makes you lose weight ?
To lose weight and take advantage of the pineapple-fat effects, it is advisable to consume the stem containing a large amount of bromeline, an enzyme acting on proteins.
What are the benefits of pineapple ?
Rich in sweet fibers, pineapple promotes intestinal transit. It also has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious virtues. Pineapple also promotes blood fluidification.

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