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deer meat

Deer meat has a strong and unique flavor, which can be compared to that of suede or beef meat. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. It is also relatively lean and weak in calories, which makes it healthy and nutritious meat.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

158 Cal
3.19 G
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 G
30.21 G
-1 G
Vitamin A
-1 Mg
Vitamin B
-1 Mg
Vitamin C
-1 Mg
Vitamin D
-1 Mg
Vitamin E
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
Food fibers
-1 G
-1 Mg


How to choose deer meat ?
To choose deer meat, it is important to favor bright red meat, which must be very firm and slightly shiny. It must also make a slight smell of undergrowth. The fat should be white and firm. If possible, it is advisable to buy meat from a butcher specializing in venison to have the guarantee of quality meat.
How to keep the deer ?
Deer meat is more delicate than other types of meat, so it requires special attention during conservation. If you plan to consume the meat within two days of purchase, you can keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature less than 4 ° C. It is recommended to place it on a baking sheet in the refrigerator to allow air to circulate around the meat. If you want to keep meat longer, you can freeze it. Place it in a hermetic plastic freezing bag and remove as much air as possible. It can be kept in the freezer for about 6 months.
How to cook deer meat ?
Brush the roast of mustard and aromatic herbs before roasting it in the oven for about 20 minutes per book. Serve it with a red wine sauce and shallots. Heat a pan over high heat and cook the deer steaks for 3-4 minutes on each side for a timely cooking. Serve them with grilled vegetables or a cream sauce.
What are the varieties of deer meat ?
There are several species of deer, each with different taste and nutritional characteristics. The most common deer varieties include red deer, Sika deer and mule deer. Deer meat is generally very lean and rich in protein, with a rich and robust flavor. It is often used in elaborate cooking recipes, such as stews and simmer dishes.
What dishes go well with the taste of deer meat ?
Deer meat has a strong and intense taste that goes well with sweet flavors such as honey, maple syrup or red fruit jam. You can also accompany it with mushrooms, chestnuts or root vegetables such as parsnip or carrot.
What are the benefits of deer meat ?
Deer meat is also rich in protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc, and is also low in saturated fat, making it a healthy option for people looking to reduce their consumption of red meat. It is also a good source of selenium, a significant antioxidant that helps protect the cells from the body from damage caused by free radicals.

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