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bull meat

Taurus meat is red meat considered firmer and stronger in taste than beef.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

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Values per 100 grams

180 Cal
11 G
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 G
20 G
-1 G
Vitamin A
-1 Mg
Vitamin B
-1 Mg
Vitamin C
-1 Mg
Vitamin D
-1 Mg
Vitamin E
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
Food fibers
-1 G
-1 Mg


How to choose the bull meat ?
The meat should be dark, almost purple. The fat must be white and not yellowish or gray. The meat should be firm to the touch, without being too hard. The smell must be pleasant, without smell of rot or ammonia. The meat must be well marbled with fat to be more tender and tasty.
How to keep the meat of bull ?
Taurus meat should be kept at a temperature close to 0 ° C. If the meat is stored at a higher temperature, it can deteriorate quickly. Taurus meat can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days or in the freezer for 8 to 12 months. For better conservation, it is recommended to remove the oily parts and bones before storing the meat.
How to cook bull meat ?
Cut the meat into cubes, brown it with vegetables and broth in a casserole dish, and simmer until the meat is tender. Brush the meat with olive oil, salt and pepper before grilling it until it is cooked. Chop the raw meat and mix it with herbs, spices and olive oil for a raw and tasty dish.
What are the varieties of bull meat ?
The bull is a male cattle, and its meat is generally darker and tastier than that of beef. The bull breeds raised for their meat vary depending on the region and the local tradition, but the most common are the Camargue bull, the combat bull and the Lidia bull. Taurus meat is often used in simmered or braised dishes, but can also be grilled or roasted.
What dishes go well with the taste of bull meat ?
Taurus meat has a fairly pronounced and musk taste that goes well with strong and spicy flavors. So you can cook it with black pepper, paprika, cumin, chili, garlic, ginger or rosemary. The dishes that go well with bull meat are the bull stew, the Taurus tagine, the grilled bull steak or the bull burger.
What are the benefits of bull meat ?
Taurus meat is also rich in essential proteins and nutrients, such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. It is also relatively low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

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