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doe meat

Doe meat is lean and tasty meat from deer. It is appreciated for its tender texture and its delicate flavor, which approaches that of veal meat. Doe meat is rich in protein, iron and other essential minerals, making it an excellent option for a balanced diet. It is also low in fat and calories, making it healthy choice for those who seek to maintain healthy weight.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

116 Cal
4 G
-1 Mg
54.5 Mg
338 Mg
1.9 G
20 G
-1 G
Vitamin A
-1 Mg
Vitamin B
-1 Mg
Vitamin C
-1 Mg
Vitamin D
-1 Mg
Vitamin E
-1 Mg
3 Mg
-1 Mg
Food fibers
-1 G
7.2 Mg


How to choose the doe meat ?
Doe meat should be dark red. The meat should be firm to the touch, but not too hard. Doe meat is often leaner than beef, which can make it a little firmer. Doe meat has a particular smell, but it should not be strong or unpleasant. Doe meat is often more available in fall and winter.
How to keep the doe meat ?
If you plan to consume the meat within 2 to 3 days following the purchase, you can keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature less than 4 ° C. If you want to keep meat longer, you can freeze it. Be sure to place it in an airtight container to avoid freezing burns. Doe meat can be kept in the freezer for about 6 to 9 months. It is recommended to keep the doe meat in its original packaging or transfer it to an airtight plastic bag to avoid cross -contamination with other foods. Make sure to handle the doe meat with clean hands and carefully clean all surfaces, utensils and equipment used to prepare it.
How to cook doe meat ?
The doe meat is tender and has a delicate flavor. It can be cooked in different ways, such as roasted, braised or stew. A popular recipe is the grilled doe fillet, where the meat is grilled over high heat for a few minutes on each side, then served with a area with the arels. Another option is the doe stew, where the meat is simmered with vegetables, red wine and herbs.
What are the varieties of doe meat ?
There are different species of deer that can be hunted for their meat. Some of the most common varieties include the red doe, the kid and the elaphe deer. Doe meat is generally very tender and lean, with a soft and delicate flavor. It is often used in elaborate cooking recipes, such as stews and simmer dishes.
What dishes go well with the taste of doe meat ?
Doe meat has an intense and rich taste that goes well with robust flavors such as red wine, wild mushrooms, red fruits, citrus fruits and aromatic herbs such as thyme and rosemary. It also goes well with conventional accompaniments such as roasted potatoes, root vegetables and cream spinach.
What are the benefits of doe meat ?
Doe meat is a source rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamins of group B, in particular vitamin B12. It is also relatively low in fat and calories, which makes it a healthy choice for those who seek to maintain a healthy weight or to follow a diet low in fat.

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