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rib eye

False-filet is a source of high quality protein and is rich in essential nutrients, such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12. However, it is also quite fatty and should be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

244 Cal
14 G
92 Mg
56 Mg
336 Mg
0 G
27 G
0 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
1 Mg
22 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
20 Mg


How to choose the false-filet ?
The meat should be bright and shiny red. The meat should be firm to the touch. The fat must be white and well distributed, without excess. The meat must be marbled, that is to say that fat should be distributed in a homogeneous manner in the meat.
How to keep the false-filet ?
The false-filet must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature close to 0 ° C. It can be kept for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator, but can also be frozen for a maximum duration of 6 months. For better conservation, it is recommended to remove the oily parts and bones before storing the meat.
How to cook the false-filet ?
Brush the false-feet with olive oil, salt and pepper before grilling it until it is cooked. Brown the false-feet with vegetables, herbs and red wine for a tasty and rustic dish. Chop the raw meat and mix it with herbs, spices and olive oil for a raw and tasty dish.
What are the varieties of false-firing ?
Faux is a piece of meat from the back of the animal's back. It comes from different varieties of cattle, but the most common are the Angus race, the Charolais race and the Limousine race. False-lids can be sold with or without bone and are often appreciated for their tenderness and their flavor.
What dishes are married well with the taste of false-firing ?
False-lids are a cup of juicy beef rich in flavors, which goes well with ingredients such as wild mushrooms, caramelized onions or rosemary. They are also delicious accompanied by rich and creamy sauces such as a Bearnaise sauce or a green pepper sauce.
What are the benefits of false-feet ?
False-lids, also known as the Biftecks, are rich in protein, iron and zinc. They are also an important source of B vitamins, including vitamin B12. However, they also contain saturated fats and cholesterol, so it is important to consume them in moderation.

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