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saddle of rabbit

The rabbit rare is a part of the rabbit carcass which is between the rear legs and the tail. It is a lean and tender meat that has a delicate and slightly sweet flavor. The rabbit rare is very popular in Europe, in particular in France, Italy and Spain. Rabbit rare can be used in many recipes, such as stews, stews, pâtés and terrines. It can also be marinated and toasted, or used to prepare meat dishes in sauce. The rabbit rascal goes well with many other ingredients, such as vegetables, herbs, spices and wines. The rabbit rare is also very nutritious and is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. It is low in calories and fats, and it is considered a healthy and balanced meat.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

173 Cal
3 G
123 Mg
45 Mg
343 Mg
0 G
33 G
0 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
4 Mg
31 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
18 Mg


How to choose rabbit meat ?
The flesh must be firm and resistant to pressure, without soft parts or mucous membranes. The color of the meat should be uniform and slightly pink. The eyes must be shiny, clear and not opaque. The nostrils must be clean and without excess of mucus.
How to keep rabbit meat ?
Rabbit meat should be kept at a temperature close to 0 ° C. If the meat is stored at a higher temperature, it can deteriorate quickly. Rabbit meat can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days or in the freezer for 6 to 12 months. For better storage, it is recommended to remove the offal and kidneys before storing the meat.
How to cook rabbit meat ?
Brush the rabbit with olive oil, salt and pepper before roasting it in the oven at 375 ° F for about 25-30 minutes. Serve it with grilled vegetables and a mustard sauce. Brown the rabbit in a casserole dish with vegetables like carrots, potatoes and onions. Add broth and simmer for about 1 hour 30 minutes over low heat. Serve it with steam vegetables.
What are the varieties of rabbit meat ?
There are several breeds of rabbit rabbits for their meat, but the most common varieties are the common rabbit and the giant rabbit of Flanders. Rabbit meat is very lean, rich in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy alternative to beef or pork. It has a sweet and delicate flavor, and is often used in elaborate cooking recipes, such as stews and simmered dishes. Rabbit meat is also popular to be served in nets or roasted.
What dishes go well with the taste of rabbit meat ?
Rabbit meat has a sweet and slightly sweet flavor, it goes well with flavors of garlic, rosemary, thyme and red wine. It is often used in dishes such as mustard rabbit, rabbit stew or casserole rabbit.
What are the benefits of rabbit meat ?
Rabbit meat is a source of lean protein, with a low fat and cholesterol content. It is rich in B12 and B3 vitamins, iron and selenium.

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