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Caviar is recognized for its nutritional, antioxidant, energizing and regenerating qualities. It is a product full of vitamins, phosphores and protein, which is low in calories. Rich in omega 3 and good polyunsaturated fats. Discover the caviar -based recipes, the nutrients of caviar, the number of calories, the vitamin, iron contributions, etc.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

264 Cal
18 G
588 Mg
1500 Mg
181 Mg
4 G
25 G
-1 G
Vitamin A
-1 Mg
Vitamin B
0.3 Mg
Vitamin C
-1 Mg
Vitamin D
-1 Mg
Vitamin E
-1 Mg
11.9 Mg
300 Mg
Food fibers
-1 G
275 Mg


What dishes go well with the taste of caviar ?
The caviar is traditionally served on blinis and accompanied by crème fraîche. The caviar adds a touch of luxury to scrambled eggs. The potatoes cut into thin slices and cooked in the oil with a pinch of salt and pepper, served with caviar, are a classic Russian dish.
How to keep caviar ?
Caviar is a very delicate food and must be preserved appropriately to preserve its quality. It must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature between -2 ° C and +2 ° C. It is important not to freeze caviar, because it would alter its texture and its taste. The caviar must be kept in its original packaging until its opening. Once open, it is recommended to consume it within 2 to 3 days. To avoid cross contamination, it is important not to mix caviar with other foods.
How to cook caviar ?
Blinis with caviar: prepare blinis (small thick pancakes) and serve them with a spoonful of crème fraîche and a spoonful of caviar on top. Braged eggs in caviar: prepare scrambled eggs and serve them on toast with a spoonful of caviar on top.
How to choose caviar ?
To choose the caviar, look for well formed grains, which are uniform in size, color and texture. The grains must be firm and crunchy, without being too hard or too soft. Fresh caviar must have a light marine smell, without any strong or unpleasant odor. Avoid caviar which has a suspicious smell or which is too soft or too hard.
What are the varieties of caviar ?
Caviar is a product of animal origin obtained from sturgeon eggs. There are several varieties of caviar, which differ depending on the kind of sturgeon from which they come. The most common varieties are the white sturgeon caviar (also called Caviaro Caviaro), the Siberian sturgeon caviar, the Russian sturgeon caviar and the Béluga sturgeon caviar.
What are the benefits of caviar ?
Caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins B12 and D, as well as in selenium and zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for cardiovascular health, while zinc is important for immune health and wound healing.

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