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The African giant snail, Achaine or Achaine Foulque is a large snail. The snail gives more protein intake than beef, it is also rich in magnesium, calcium and vitamin A. Discover the recipes based on snail, nutritional values of snails, the number of calories, the contributions in vitamins, iron, etc .... on Friends & Food

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

83 Cal
1 G
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
2 G
16 G
-1 G
Vitamin A
-1 Mg
Vitamin B
-1 Mg
Vitamin C
-1 Mg
Vitamin D
-1 Mg
Vitamin E
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
-1 Mg
Food fibers
-1 G
-1 Mg


How to choose purchase ?
Purchase are edible terrestrial snails from Africa. When you buy purchasines, look for living snails that are active and react when you touch them. Avoid the snails that are dead, which have an unpleasant or which are wet. The shells must be clean and intact, without cracks or holes.
How to keep purchasines ?
Purchase must be kept in a wet and fresh environment to guarantee their freshness and quality. If you have bought live purchase, place them in a container with holes to allow air circulation and cover them with a damp cloth. Keep them in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days. If you have bought cooked purchase, keep them in an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator. Cooked purchase can be kept in the refrigerator for two to three days maximum.
How to cook purchasines ?
Grilled: brush the olive oil purchase and grill them for a few minutes on each side. Garlic: Brown garlic in a pan with olive oil. Add the purchase and cook for 10 minutes. Add parsley and lemon juice before serving. In sauce: Brown onion and garlic in a saucepan with olive oil. Add crushed tomatoes, white wine and Provence herbs, then simmer for 15 minutes. Add the purchase and cook for 10 more minutes. Serve with fresh bread to dip in the sauce.
What are the varieties of purchase ?
Purchase are terrestrial snails from Africa. There are several species, including African giant purchase, which is the largest species of terrestrial snail in the world, and purchase Fulica, which is considered an invasive species in certain regions of the world.
What dishes are married well with the taste of purchaseines ?
Purchase with Provencal, which are purchase baked with a sauce made from tomatoes, garlic, herbs and olive oil. Purchase in Burgundian, which are purchase baked with a sauce made from butter, garlic and parsley. Purchasing in salads, which are cooked and cold purchases, in salads with vegetables and fresh herbs.

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