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Plantain banana is commonly used in tropical and Latin American cuisine, where it is often cooked or fried. It can be cut into slices and fried until it is crisp and golden, or steamed or toasted. Plantain bananas are also often used in vegetable and meat dishes, such as stews and stews. Apart from its tasty flavor, the plantain has many health benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibers, as well as several other essential vitamins and minerals. The plantain is also gluten -free, making it an interesting option for people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

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Values per 100 grams

122 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
4 Mg
499 Mg
32 G
1 G
15 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
18 Mg
0 Mg
37 Mg
Food fibers
2 G
3 Mg


How to thaw bananas ?
Method less recommended: Remove the frozen bananas from their packaging and let them defrost at room temperature for about 2 hours. Recommended method: Remove the frozen bananas from their packaging and place them in an airtight container. Place everything in the refrigerator and let it defrost for about 24 hours.
How to ripen bananas ?
- Bananas emit a gas called ethylene which accelerates the maturation of fruits and vegetables around them. By putting them in a paper bag, you create a confined environment where ethylene can be concentrated, which will accelerate the maturation of bananas. - Apples also emit ethylene, so by putting bananas with apples, you accelerate the maturation of bananas.
How to know if the plantain is ripe ?
- Plantain's skin becomes darker and can even become black. - Plantain's skin becomes more soft and can be easily pinch or crushed.
How to keep green bananas ?
- If you buy green bananas that are not yet completely ripe, it may be useful to separate them from each other. The ripe bananas emit a gas called ethylene which accelerates the maturation of the surrounding bananas. By separating green bananas, you slow down this process. - Green bananas should be kept in a cool place, as in the fruit or vegetable tank in the refrigerator or a cool kitchen location. This will slow down their maturation. - Keep green bananas in a dark place.
What vitamins in bananas ?
- Vitamin B6: bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells. - Vitamin C: bananas contain vitamin C, which is important for the immune system, healthy skin and hair, and healing of wounds. - Vitamin A: bananas also contain moderate quantities of vitamin A, which is important for the health of vision, growth and development of bones and teeth.
What are the benefits of plantain bananas ?
Plantain bananas, also called green bananas, are rich in nutrients and can offer several health benefits, such as: plantain bananas are rich in dietary fiber that can help digestion and satiety. Plantain bananas are an important source of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Potassium contained in plantain bananas can help control blood pressure and support cardiovascular health. Plantain bananas are a source of carbohydrates that can help provide energy for daily activities. Magnesium contained in plantain bananas can help support the health of the nervous system.
What are the varieties of plantain bananas ?
There are many varieties of plantain bananas in the world, but the most commonly cultivated and consumed include: Dwarf gran: it is the most common variety of plantain, known for its average size and thick green skin. Williams: This variety is smaller than dwarf gran and has a thinner skin and easier to peel. Dwarf Cavendish: This variety is even smaller than Williams and is often used for juices and confectionery. AGBAGBA: This variety is cultivated mainly in West Africa and is known for its sweet flavor and fine grain. Rhineland: This variety is cultivated in Latin America and is known for its soft flavor and tight grain.
How to choose plantain bananas ?
Avoid plantain bananas that are damaged or moldy. Choose plantain bananas that are green and firm. If you want to consume them later, choose bananas that are slightly green and firm, but without black spots. If you want to cook fried or grilled plantain bananas, choose bananas that are very green and firm. If you want to make plantain juices, choose bananas that are more ripe, with slightly yellow skin.
How to cook plantain bananas ?
Frits: Cut the plantain bananas into thick slices, fry them in hot oil until golden and crisp. Grilled: Place the plantain of plantain on a baking sheet and grill them until they are golden and tender. Roasted: surround with aluminum paper unscurred plantain bananas and bake them at 190 ° C for about 20 minutes, or until they are tender. Puree: Crush ripe mulpan bananas in puree to use as a base for cakes, puddings or sauces.
How to keep plantain bananas ?
Plantain bananas can be kept at room temperature until they are completely ripe. Once ripe, you can keep them in the refrigerator to prevent them from rotting too quickly. It is important to note that the cold can affect the texture and taste of plantain bananas, so it is better to consume them quickly once cool.
What dishes go well with the taste of plantains bananas ?
Plantain bananas can be associated with many dishes to add a touch of sweet and soft flavor. Here are some examples of dishes that go well with the taste of plantains: fried or grilled plantain bananas go perfectly with meat dishes such as steaks, roasted chickens or sausages. Plantain bananas cut into dice can be added to soups and stews to add a soft and sweet texture. Seafood dishes: Plantain bananas go well with seafood dishes such as grilled fish, shrimps and crabs.

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