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Kiwi is a fruit characterized by its hairy skin and its yellow or greenish and juicy flesh, dotted with small black grains. Kiwi has a tangy and sweet flavor and is particularly appreciated for its fruity perfume. Kiwi is also rich in nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, iron and potassium. It is considered a healthy food source and is often recommended as part of a balanced diet.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

61 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
3 Mg
312 Mg
15 G
1 G
9 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
92 Mg
0 Mg
17 Mg
Food fibers
3 G
34 Mg


How to make kiwi compote ?
To make kiwi compote, cook the pieces of fruit with a little water, sugar and vanilla seeds. The compote can also be embellished with lemon and ginger zest for more pep.
How to make kiwi jelly ?
To make kiwi jelly, mix the fruits previously cooked with water and filter to extract the juice. Cook the kiwis juice with the same crystallized sugar weight. Add apple juice to thicken the jelly.
How to make a good kiwi juice ?
To prepare a good kiwi juice, mix the pieces of fruit with water and lemon juice to bring a tangy flavor. Use sparkling water for a drink full of pep's or apple juice for more taste.
How to make a smoothie at kiwi ?
To prepare a kiwi smoothie, mix the fruits with milk, yogurt or unwelling fruit juice. Add a few ice cubes so that the preparation is ice and frothy. Combine kiwi with other fruits and vegetables for more flavors: banana, orange, pears, celery, asparagus, etc.
How to make a kiwi banana smoothie ?
To make a kiwi banana smoothie, mix the mixed blender fruits with ice cubes. You can also mix them with a small amount of water, orange juice or milk. Add honey to soften the smoothie flavor.
How to make a kiwi pie ?
To prepare a kiwi pie, use a shortbread dough and add a vanilla flavored pastry cream. Choose kiwis not too ripe to be able to peel them and cut them easily. Mix the pastry cream with a whisk to avoid burning the bottom.
How to eat a kiwi ?
To eat a kiwi, just cut it in half in the height direction without peeling it and taste the flesh with a small spoon. It is also possible to peel it before cutting it into rings or cubes to enhance a fruit salad or other preparations.
How to palisate a kiwi foot ?
To palisate a kiwi foot, choose a T -sharing. Use T T posts with a height of at least 2 m. Space them 5 meters. Pull 3 to 5 solid iron wires between the posts.
How to plant a kiwi tree ?
To plant a kiwi tree, choose fresh, rich, light, deep and porous soil. Place your plant in a hot, sunny place and out of strong winds. Plant it against a wall with a trellis, against a tree trunk or under a pergola. Plant at least two different sex plants.
What are the benefits of kiwi ?
Kiwi has antioxidant effects and full power. This fruit strengthens the immuniatory system, fighting constipation and prevents anemia.

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