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Mandarins have a sweet and slightly acidic flavor, and they are often considered to be softer than oranges. Mandarins are very rich in vitamin C and fiber, and they are also an excellent source of vitamin A and potassium. They are also very low in calories and fats, which makes it a choice of healthy and nutritious snack. Mandarins are often used as ingredient in salads, smoothies and desserts, but they can also be consumed alone as a snack. They are also very popular in fruit juices and cocktails.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

53 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
2 Mg
166 Mg
13 G
0 G
11 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
26 Mg
0 Mg
12 Mg
Food fibers
1 G
37 Mg


How to choose the mandarins ?
Select firm and slightly flexible mandarins, without stains or bumps. Check the weight of the mandarins. Those that are lighter can be drier and less juicy. Look for shiny and smooth skin. Mandarins with rough or withered skin can be older or less fresh.
How to keep the mandarins ?
In the refrigerator: place them in an airtight plastic bag to keep them up to 2 weeks. Mandarins can also be kept at room temperature for about a few days, but it is better to keep them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh longer.
How to cook mandarins ?
Mandarins can be used to do: mandarin juice, mandarin sorbet, mandarin ice cream, mandar -based cocktail
What are the varieties of mandarins ?
There are several varieties of mandarins, each with different characteristics in terms of taste, texture, size, color and maturity period. Some of the most popular varieties include: Mandarinier Satsuma, Mandarinier Tangerine, Mandarinier Clementine, Mandarinier Willow Leaf, Mandarinier W. Murcott, Mandarinier Honey, Mandarinier Pixie, Mandarinier Dancy
What dishes go well with the taste of mandarins ?
The taste of mandarins goes well with desserts, meat sauces, pastries and drinks such as mandarin juices and cocktails. Mandarins can also be used to give a sweet and tangy touch to salads and sauces. Drinks such as soft white wine and rosé can harmonize with the taste of mandarins.
What are the benefits of mandarins ?
Mandarins are rich in antioxidants, in particular vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Mandarins can also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of certain chronic diseases, such as arthritis. Mandarins can also help prevent heart disease by improving blood circulation and lowering the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). Mandarins are also low in calories and fiber rich, which makes them suitable for healthy diets.

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