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Its richness in potassium and inulin, its fibers, its vitamins, its minerals and antioxidant compounds. Artichoke is an important food for our health. Discover the recipes based on healthy artichokes, the nutritional values of the artichoke, the number of calories, the intake of vitamins, iron, etc.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Ingrédients Variance

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

47 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
94 Mg
370 Mg
11 G
3 G
1 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
11 Mg
1 Mg
60 Mg
Food fibers
5 G
44 Mg


How to make an artichoke background ?
To cut an artichoke background, tear off the tail by hand to remove the fibers. Cut the top of the leaves and those surrounding the heart of the artichoke. Cut the height of the leaves again as well as the bottom of the artichoke. Turn by removing the green parts and round the shape at the edge of the leaves. Rub the artichoke regularly with half a lemon to avoid oxidation.
How to know if the artichoke is not good ?
- The smell: an artichoke that is not cool can have an unpleasant smell or to be odorless. - Color: an artichoke that begins to rot will have brown or black spots on the leaves. - The texture: an artichoke which is not fresh will be soft and flabby, instead of being firm and crunchy.
How to eat artichoke ?
Fresh, the artichoke is consumed raw in the ends stripped of a vinaigrette sauce or embellished with mayonnaise. After cooking with boiling salted water or steam, the artichoke is tasted with béchamel sauce raised in nutmeg.
How to prepare artichokes ?
- Start by cleaning the artichokes. Cut the top of the leaves and remove the hard outer leaves. Also cut the base of the leaves to remove the fibrous parts. - Cut the top of the artichokes to remove approximately 1 to 2 cm from the upper part. - Cut the artichoke base to remove about 1 cm. This will allow the artichokes to stand up during cooking. - If you want to remove the hay from the artichokes, use a spoon to delicately remove it. The hay is inside the artichoke, between the leaves.
What sauce to accompany the artichokes ?
There are many sauces that can accompany artichokes such as the balsamic vinegar sauce (tangy and slightly sweet sauce goes very well with the artichokes), the Dutch sauce (creamy and elegant sauce is perfect for accompanying the artichokes cooked with steam or grilled), lemon mayonnaise (a slightly tart mayonnaise with lemon and herbs is an excellent option to accompany the artichokes)
What are the benefits of the artichoke ?
Containing antioxidants, the artichoke protects from cardiovascular disease, promotes the detoxification of the body and fighting water retention. This vegetable reduces the risk of constipation thanks to its dietary fiber content.

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Index of Ingredients