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The Gari is a food product obtained from the root root, which is widely cultivated in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The Gari is highly appreciated in the kitchens of West and Central Africa, where it is often used as an accompaniment for meat and fish dishes, or as a base for sauces and soups. It is also very popular in Latin America, where it is often used in rice and beans. Gari is a source of protein, dietary fiber and nutrients like iron and potassium, and it is also rich in complex carbohydrates. It is very digestible and can be easily incorporated into many cooking recipes.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

335 Cal
1 G
0 Mg
29 Mg
0 Mg
82 G
1 G
3 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
0 Mg
0 Mg
Food fibers
7 G
0 Mg


What dishes go well with the taste of the gari ?
The Gari has a slightly acidic taste and a grainy texture. It is often used as an accompaniment for meat or fish dishes in West Africa. It can also be used in recipes for fish, bread or cakes.
How to keep the gari ?
To keep the Gari, it is important to follow the same principles as for flour. Here are some useful tips for keeping the Gari: Store the Gari in an airtight container - an airtight container protects the gari from humidity and insects. Keep the Gari in a cool and dry place - heat can alter the quality of the Gari and reduce its shelf life. Avoid direct sunlight - direct sunlight can alter the quality of the GARI and reduce its shelf life.
How to cook the gari ?
The Gari is a fermented cassava flour, common in West Africa and Latin America. It is often used to prepare dishes such as Attiéké, Gari Foto, Gari So, Gari Jollof, etc. To prepare the Gari, just pour boiling water on the Gari and mix it to obtain a paste. You can then let it stand for a few minutes to absorb the water and become more flexible. You can also add spices, vegetables or meat to create variations in dishes.
How to choose the gari ?
Look for Gari in African grocery stores or stores specializing in African products. Check the Gari expiration date before buying it. Choose a gari which has a fine and homogeneous texture. Avoid Gari who have a rancid smell or taste.
What are the varieties of the gari ?
Gari Blanc: This is the basic Gari, which is made from fermented and dried cassava and which is white and grainy. Gari yellow: The yellow guy is made by adding red palm oil to the white gari, which gives it a bright yellow color. Gari Rouge: The Red Gari is prepared by mixing white Gari with spices and red chili, which gives it a dark red color and a spicy flavor. Gari sweet: the sweet gueri is mixed with sugar for a softer flavor and is often used to prepare desserts and snacks.
What are the benefits of the gari ?
Rich in carbohydrates: the GARI is an important source of carbohydrates, which provide energy to the body. Source of fibers: The Gari is rich in fibers, which promotes digestive health and regulates blood sugar. Rich in vitamins and minerals: the Gari is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron and calcium. Can help weight loss: the fibers present in the Gari can help reduce appetite and promote weight loss by helping to control

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