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The blackberry it contains vitamin C, vitamin E, which slow down aging and protect the organism. Discover the recipes based on healthy blackberries, the nutritional values of blackberries, the number of calories, the vitamin contributions, iron, etc.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

43 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
1 Mg
162 Mg
10 G
1 G
4 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
21 Mg
0 Mg
20 Mg
Food fibers
5 G
29 Mg


How to make blackberry liquor ?
To make blackberry liquor, marinate the fruits in a closed jar containing alcohol at 40 ° for 20 days. Mix the filtered preparation with sugar syrup. Let stand for 3 months before tasting the liquor.
How to know if barbarism fig is ripe ?
- The skin of the barbarism fig becomes darker and softer to the touch. - Barbarism fig starts to lose its rigid shape and softens slightly.
How to choose a well -ripe mango ?
To choose a very ripe mango, opt for a fruit provided with smooth and shiny skin. A ripe mango must be flexible to the touch and gives off a sweet scent. Avoid choosing a too soft mango that may have a slightly fermented taste.
How to know if the mango is ripe ?
A ripe mango recognizes itself thanks to its smooth and slightly shiny skin. It must be flexible to the touch without being too soft. A ripe mango is also very fragrant with a sweet odor.
How to choose the blackberries ?
Select firm and juicy fruits, without stains or bumps. Check that the blackberries are uniform and very ripe in color. Avoid fruits that are soft or have an unpleasant smell.
How to keep blackberries ?
In the refrigerator: place the blackberries in a perforated plastic bag or a lid container and keep them in the vegetable compartment up to 2 to 3 days. In the freezer: you can freeze whole blackberries by placing them in a hermetic plastic bag or a freezer container. You can keep them up to 6 months.
How to cook blackberries ?
The blackberries can be used to make: blackberry juice, blackberry sorbet, blackberry pie, blackberry cocktail
What are the varieties of blackberries ?
There are several varieties of blackberries, each with different characteristics in terms of taste, texture, size, color and maturity period. Some of the most popular varieties include: Cherokee blackberry, Navaho blackberry, Ouachita blackberry, Tayberry blackberry, blanbox blackberry, black beauty.
What dishes go well with the taste of blackberries ?
The blackberries go well with: meats like game or duck, fresh or refined cheeses, such as goat or roquefort, fruit salads with nuts and dried fruits, pastries such as pies, Clafoutis, compotes and crumbles, dishes in sweet and savory sauce, such as sauces for meats and ice cream. For dessert, blackberries can be used in pies, clafoutis, compotes, crumbles and sorbets.
What are the benefits of blackberries ?
The blackberries are rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins C and K, which can help strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease and improve bone health. Murder can also help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent digestive disorders.

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