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romanesco cabbage

The cabbage is very rich in vitamins, chlorophylls and minerals. They promote the production of red blood cells and are therefore anti-ANEMIC. Discover the recipes based on healthy cabbage, the nutrient values of the cabbage, the number of calories, the vitamin, iron intake, etc.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

25 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
18 Mg
170 Mg
6 G
1 G
3 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
36 Mg
0 Mg
12 Mg
Food fibers
2 G
40 Mg


How to whiten cabbage ?
To whiten a cabbage, separate them from the heart and wash them. Then immerse them in boiling salted water for 3 or 4 minutes.
How to make a stuffed cabbage ?
To make a stuffed cabbage, make the whole cabbage whiten in boiling salted water. Then slide the stuffing of your choice between the leaves and tweak the cabbage before cooking it.
What are the benefits of romanesco cabbage ?
Romanesco cabbage is a variety of cauliflower which is rich in nutrients such as vitamins C, K and B6, potassium, magnesium, manganese and fibers. It also contains flavonoids and antioxidants that can help protect against diseases. Here are some potential benefits of romanesco cabbage consumption: - Romanesco cabbage can help strengthen the immune system because of its high vitamin C content. - Romanesco cabbage can help protect against heart disease due to its high content in potassium and flavonoids. - Romanesco cabbage can help improve digestion due to its high fiber content. - Romanesco cabbage can help protect against diseases related to aging due to its high antioxidant content. - Romanesco cabbage can help maintain good bone health due to its high vitamin K content.
How to choose a fresh romanesco cabbage ?
- Fresh Romaneco cabbage has a conical or spherical shape, with star branches and green or yellow protuberances. Avoid cabbage that have black spots, folds or soft areas, as it may indicate that they are old or rotten. - Fresh romanecco cabbage has a uniform dark green color. Avoid cabbage that have white or yellow areas, as it may indicate that they are old or in bad shape. - Fresh romanecco cabbage must have a fresh smell, recalling that of the sea, avoid cabbage which have an unpleasant smell or that do not smell the cabbage.
What are the different ways to cook romanesco cabbage ?
There are many ways to cook Romanesco cabbage: - Steam cooking: this is one of the simplest methods to prepare the Romanesco cabbage. Just cut the cabbage into pieces and steam it for about 10 minutes. It can then be seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper, or added to dishes such as salads, soups or stews. - Roast: Cut the cabbage into pieces and roast it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. Season it with olive oil, salt, pepper and herbs of your choice before putting it in the oven.
How to keep romanesco cabbage ?
Keep the romanesco cabbage in a perforated plastic bag or wrap it in damp paper. This will keep it fresh for about 3 to 4 days.
Can we freeze romanesco cabbage ?
It is possible to freeze the Romanesco cabbage, but it is important to prepare it properly before freezing it to avoid the loss of texture and flavor. It is recommended to whiten the Romanesco cabbage before freezing it. The bleaching method consists in plunging the pieces of cabbage into boiling salted water for about 2-3 minutes, then immersing them immediately in ice water to stop cooking. Then carefully drain the cabbage and dry it before placing it in an airtight freezing bag. It is important to remove as much air as possible to avoid ice formation. Congélé Romaneco cabbage can be kept for about 6 months.
Where in europe is cultivated romanesco ?
Romanesco cabbage is a vegetable that is cultivated mainly in Italy, especially in the Calabria region, in the south of Italy. It is also cultivated in other regions of Italy such as Sicily, Campania, Tuscany, and Puglia. It is also cultivated in other regions of Europe such as France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. It is cultivated in the mountain or hills regions, where climatic conditions are conducive to its growth. It is cultivated mainly in organic farming, because it needs few chemical inputs and is quite resistant to diseases. It is cultivated mainly for local markets, but it is also found in the producer markets.
What are the varieties of romanesco cabbage ?
- The 'minaret' variety which is an early variety with faces of conical shape and pale green color. - The variety 'Verde di Piacenza' which is a late variety with heads of conical shape and dark green color. - The variety 'Verde di Piacenza' which is a variety with intermediate maturity with heads of conical shape and dark green color. There are also varieties of romanesco cauliflowers that have heads of different shape (round, conical, sharp), different sizes (small, medium, large) and different colors (light green, dark green, green-blue) .
What are the recipes with romanesco cabbage ?
Romanesco cabbage is an ingredient that can be used in many recipes like; - Roasted Roman Cabbage - Romanesco cabbage soup - Romanesco cabbage gratin - Pasta with romanesco cabbage - Romanesco fried cabbage - Romanesco cabbage in salads

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Index of Ingredients