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The cabbage is very rich in vitamins, chlorophylls and minerals. They promote the production of red blood cells and are therefore anti-ANEMIC. Discover the recipes based on healthy cabbage, the nutrient values of the cabbage, the number of calories, the vitamin, iron intake, etc.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

25 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
30 Mg
299 Mg
5 G
1 G
1 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
48 Mg
0 Mg
15 Mg
Food fibers
2 G
22 Mg


How to whiten cabbage ?
To whiten a cabbage, separate them from the heart and wash them. Then immerse them in boiling salted water for 3 or 4 minutes.
How to freeze raw flowers ?
- Wash and cut the cauliflower into small pieces. -Boil water in a saucepan and immerse the cauliflowers for 3 to 4 minutes. -Drain the pieces of cauliflower and let them cool completely. - Place the pieces of cauliflower in a freezing bag. - Eliminate as much air as possible from the bag before closing it. - Write the freezing date and place them in the freezer.
How to make a stuffed cabbage ?
To make a stuffed cabbage, make the whole cabbage whiten in boiling salted water. Then slide the stuffing of your choice between the leaves and tweak the cabbage before cooking it.
How to choose a fresh cauliflower ?
- Fresh cauliflower has compact and firm flowers, with green and fresh leaves. Avoid cauliflowers that have black spots, folds or soft areas, as it may indicate that they are old or rotten. - Fresh cauliflower has a white or uniform cream color. Avoid cauliflowers that have yellow or brown areas, as it may indicate that they are old or in bad shape. - Fresh cauliflower must be light for its size, this indicates that it is fresh. - Fresh cauliflower must have a fresh and light smell. Avoid cauliflowers that have an unpleasant smell or that do not smell cauliflower. - The leaves must be green and fresh, not yellow or withered, this may indicate that the cauliflower is old.
What are the different ways to cook cauliflower ?
There are many ways to cook cauliflower, steam or roast or mash.
Can we freeze cauliflower ?
Yes, it is possible to freeze the cauliflower. It is recommended to whiten the cauliflower before freezing it, plunging it into boiling salted water for about 2-3 minutes, then immediately immersing it in ice water to stop cooking. Then carefully drain the cauliflower and dry it before placing it in an airtight freezing bag. It is important to remove as much air as possible to avoid ice formation. Congélé cauliflower can be kept for about 8 to 12 months. It is important to note that the texture can change after defrosting, it is therefore recommended to consume it after cooking.
Where in europe is cultivated cauliflower ?
The cauliflower is cultivated in many European countries, notably in France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Belgium. It is also cultivated in other European countries such as Poland, Romania and the Netherlands.
What are the varieties of cauliflower ?
There are several varieties of cauliflower, in particular: white cauliflower, purple cauliflower, romanesco cauliflower (or Romano cauliflower), broccoli cauliflower, milan cauliflower (or Brussels cauliflower) and steamed cauliflower.
What are the recipes with cauliflower ?
Cauliflower is an ingredient that can be used in many recipes like; - roasted cauliflower- cauliflower soup- cauliflower gratin- cauliflower pasta- cauliflower risotto- salad cauliflower

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Index of Ingredients