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Rich in fiber, raspberry promotes good intestinal hygiene. It is an alier for weight loss. The raspberries have a very low glycemic index, and they therefore have a very limited impact on the blood glucose level. It also contains antioxidants, which can help protect the body from free radicals and prevent premature aging.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

53 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
1 Mg
151 Mg
12 G
1 G
4 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
26 Mg
0 Mg
22 Mg
Food fibers
7 G
25 Mg


How to make raspberry cream ?
To make raspberry cream, macerate the fruits with red wine for 48 hours. Press the fruit of the fruit when filtering the preparation. Boil the wine mixture with raspberries and sugar for a few minutes before letting cool.
How to make raspberry jam without seeds ?
To make raspberry jam without seeds, pass them fruit in the fine grid of the vegetable mill before cooking them. Then perform the required steps for cooking a jam.
How to make raspberry jelly ?
To make raspberry jelly, use ripe, but still firm fruit. Sort them without washing them. Flavor your jelly by adding a vanilla pod. Out of season, use frozen raspberries.
How to make raspberry ice cream ?
To make raspberry ice cream, use a base of custard with raspberry coulis, or a mixture of raspberry, milk and cream composes. The latter can be mounted in whipped cream for more smoothness. Pass the fruits to the Chinese to remove the seeds.
How to make raspberry liqueur ?
To make raspberry liqueur, macerate the fruits for 40 days in brandy. Place the container in a cool place. Mix the juice obtained after filtration with sugar syrup. Wait a few days before consuming the liquor.
How to make raspberry syrup ?
To make a raspberry syrup, boil the juice of cooked and puree raspberry with the same amount of sugar. Regularly skim the preparation when it is cooled.
How to make raspberry wine ?
To prepare raspberry wine, choose very ripe fruit to give an exceptional aroma to your wine. Macerate your raspberries in red wine or white wine. Gently press the fruits at the time of filtration. Add brandy to your preparation Avan maceration for 2 to 3 months in bottle.
How to make a raspberry coulis ?
To make a raspberry coulis, choose very ripe and fragrant fruits. Mix the raspberries before passing the coulis to the fine colander to avoid seeds. If the coulis is too thick, add a little water. If it is too liquid, reduce it over medium heat.
How to make a raspberry insert ?
To make a raspberry insert, use fruit puree or reduced fruit in a puree. Incorporate softened and wrung gelatin leaves in the boiling puree. Give shape to the insert by pouring the preparation into insert molds. Spread the insert in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
How to choose raspberries ?
The raspberries must have a beautiful dark red color and uniform. Avoid fruits that are green or whitish. They must be gentle and juicy, without being soft or withered. Raspberries must have a pleasant and fresh smell.
How to keep raspberries ?
To keep raspberries, it is recommended to place them in an airtight container and keep them in the refrigerator. Make sure that the raspberries are clean and dry before storing them, as humidity can rot them more quickly. It is also possible to freeze them for subsequent use, but it is better to use them quickly because freezing can affect their taste and texture. You can also dry them by spreading them on a baking sheet or using a food dehydrator for longer storage. It is also possible to keep them by boiling them with sugar to make them a syrup or by preserving them in sterilized jars.
How to cook raspberries ?
Raspberries are often consumed fresh, but they can also be used to make jams, compotes, frosts, juices and sauces. Here are some recipe ideas: raspberry jam, raspberry compote, raspberry pie or raspberry juice.
What are the varieties of raspberries ?
There are many varieties of raspberries, each with different characteristics in terms of taste, texture, size, color and maturity period. Some of the most popular varieties include: raspberry glory of Versailles, raspberry malling promised, raspberry tulameen, polar raspberry, willamette raspberry, raspberry heritage, raspberry louise good d´Avranches, raspberry fallgold, raspberry joan j, raspberry himbo top
What dishes go well with the taste of raspberries ?
The taste of raspberries goes well with desserts, drinks such as smoothies and silts, meat sauces and pastries. Raspberries can also be used to give a sweet and acidic touch to salads and sauces. Drinks such as soft white wine and rosé can harmonize with the taste of raspberries.
What are the benefits of raspberries ?
Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, in particular vitamin C, anthocyan and Ellagic acids, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Raspberries can also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of certain chronic diseases, such as arthritis. The raspberries are also low in calories and rich in fiber, which makes them suitable for healthy diets.

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