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How to season the fish well ?
Start by choosing spices and herbs that go well with fish. For white fish, you can use lemon, dill, tarragon, chives or thyme. For fatty fish, like salmon, you can use fennel, cumin, rosemary, ginger or black pepper.
How to choose the salmon smoke ?
- Look at the salmon color: smoked salmon should have a beautiful orange pink color. If the color is too pale, it can mean that the salmon has not been smoked long enough. If the color is too dark, it may indicate that the salmon has been smoked at a too high temperature. - Feel the smell of salmon: smoked salmon should have a pleasant and slightly smoked smell. If the smell is too strong or unpleasant, it can mean that the salmon has been smoked with artificial aromas or that it has started to turn. - Tap the texture of the salmon: smoked salmon should have a firm and dense texture, without being too dry. If the salmon is too soft or too dry, it may mean that it has not been smoked correctly.
What is a bigorneau ?
A Bigorneau is a marine mollusc. It is characteristic of its conical shell and its small size. It is often consumed in the kitchen.
How to cook the bergorneaux ?
There are many ways to cook areas, such as boiling them, grillers or fries.
What are the benefits of bigorneaux ?
Bigorneaux are an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids which have beneficial effects for heart health.
What are the dangers for health to eat bigorneaux ?
You have to pay attention to their consumption because they can contain heavy metals depending on the areas where they have been caught. It is therefore advisable to vary your consumption of seafood.
What are the bonita benefits ?
- Omega-3 fatty acids in bonitis can help reduce the risk of heart disease by regulating cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. - Bonitis is rich in vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. - Bonitis is rich in protein, which can help stimulate muscle growth. - Bonitis is rich in vitamins A and E, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.
What are the best accompaniments for bonita ?
- Bonitis goes well with vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, eggplant, mushrooms, spinach, etc. - Serve the bonitis with white or brown rice steamed or a fried rice in Japanese, like sushi or sashimi. - Accompany the bonitis with a hurried lemon - Serve the bonite with brown potatoes - Serve the bonite with a green salad or a salad composed to add a touch of freshness.
What are the health benefits of shrimp ?
- Shrimps are a source of high quality protein, which contribute to the growth and repair of body tissue. - Shrimps contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and the brain. - Shrimps are a good source of selenium, a mineral that plays an important role in thyroid health and protection against heart disease. - Shrimps are an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is essential for the production of red blood cells and nervous health. - Shrimps contain iron, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen in the body. - Shrimps contain zinc, a mineral that is important for immune health and wound healing. - Shrimps are a good source of phosphorus, which is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth.
What are the contraindications in terms of health concerning the shrimp ?
- Some people may be allergic to shrimp or other crustaceans. Symptoms of shrimp allergy may include hives, rashes, difficulties in breathing and vomiting. - The shrimp can be marinated or breaded with flour containing gluten, so it is important for gluten intolerant people to check the labels of the products or to ask a server for information on the preparation of shrimp. - Shrimps are rich in cholesterol, so it is recommended for people with high cholesterol problems to consume them in moderation. - Shrimps are rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, so it is recommended for people with heart disease to consume them in moderation.
What are the different varieties of shrimp ?
There are many varieties of different shrimp: - pink shrimp: these are the most commonly used shrimp in American kitchen. They are of medium to large size and have a firm texture and a flashy taste. - White shrimps: these shrimps have a more tender texture and a more delicate taste than pink shrimp. They are often used for steam dishes or salads. - Gray shrimps: these shrimps are smaller than pink and white shrimps, and have a firmer texture. They are often used for steam dishes or salads. - Atlantic shrimp: these shrimps are smaller than pink shrimp and have a firmer texture. They have a more pronounced seaweed taste. - Shrimps from the North Sea: these shrimps are smaller than pink shrimp and have a firmer texture. They have a more pronounced seaweed taste. - Shrimp of the Indian Ocean: these shrimps have a large -scale size and a firm texture. They have a more pronounced seaweed taste. - Pacific shrimp: these shrimps have a large -scale size and a firm texture. They have a more pronounced seaweed taste. - Peninsula shrimps: these shrimps have a large -scale size and a firm texture. They have a more pronounced seaweed taste.
How to choose fresh shrimp ?
- Fresh shrimp should have a light smell and the sea, they should not have a strong or putrid smell. - Fresh shrimps have a dark pink-gray color. If the shrimps have a reddish shade, they have probably been frozen and thawed. - Fresh shrimps have a firm and elastic texture. If the shrimps are soft or rubberous, they are no longer fresh. - It is important to check where the shrimps come from, and make sure that they were caught in a responsible and sustainable manner.
How long can you eat shrimp after purchase ?
It is recommended to consume fresh shrimp within 2 days of purchase.
What accompaniments go well with shrimp ?
- Shrimps are often served with vegetables such as zucchini, peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus, etc. - Shrimps can be served with white rice, brown rice, Thai rice, etc. - Shrimps can be accompanied by fresh herbs such as basil, parsley, tarragon, chives, etc. Spices like paprika, turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, etc. can also be used to raise the taste. - Shrimps can be accompanied by sauces such as sour sauce, soy sauce, spicy sauce, peanut sauce, curry sauce, etc. - The shrimp can be accompanied by potatoes, or puree, in rings, chips, gratin, etc.
How to keep shrimp ?
If you do not immediately use the shrimp, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator. The freshly purchased shrimp should be stored in an airtight container or in a plastic bag, and consumed within 2 days of purchase.
How to freeze shrimp ?
Shrimps can be frozen for subsequent use. It is recommended to dissect them before freezing them for better conservation. The frozen shrimp should be stored in a waterproof plastic bag and consumed within 3 to 6 months of freezing.
What are the best ways to serve salmon ?
- Grilled salmon is a classic that suits all occasions. - Fried salmon is another way of serving the salmon. - Papillote salmon is an easy and healthy way to serve salmon. It can be cooked in aluminum or paraffin paper sheet with vegetables and herbs, to keep all flavors and nutrients. - raw salmon is used to make sushi or sashimi, which are very popular in Japanese cuisine. It is important to make sure that the fish is fresh and well cleaned to avoid any risk of bacterial contamination. - The salmon can be chopped finely to make a tartare, accompanied by condiments such as onion, chives, mustard, lemon juice and olive oil.
How to keep the salmon ?
Fresh salmon should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees Celsius. It must be wrapped in paraffinated paper or cling film to prevent it from drying and develops unpleasant odors. It can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days maximum.
How to freeze the salmon ?
The salmon can be frozen for a longer conservation. It must be wrapped in paraffin paper or cling film and placed in an airtight bag or a container suitable for freezing. It can be kept in the freezer for 6 months maximum.
Can we dry the salmon to keep it ?
The salmon can be dried for even longer conservation. It must be cut into thin slices and arranged on a rack to dry in the sun or in a dryer or a oven at low temperature. It can be kept in a dry and fresh place for several months.

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