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Banana is a source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber. It also contains high levels of B6 and B12 vitamins, magnesium and manganese. You can eat fresh bananas, in slices or pieces, or consume it in the form of fruit juice, compote or jam. It is also used in many cooking recipes, such as smoothies, muffins and cakes. Banana being one of the most calorie fruits, its main asset remains the intake of antioxidants and fibers, mainly the pectin that particates with the good health of the intstine flora.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

89 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
1 Mg
358 Mg
23 G
1 G
12 G
Vitamin A
64 Mg
Vitamin B
0.4 Mg
Vitamin C
8.7 Mg
Vitamin D
0 Mg
Vitamin E
0 Mg
0 Mg
27 Mg
Food fibers
2 G
5 Mg


How to thaw bananas ?
Method less recommended: Remove the frozen bananas from their packaging and let them defrost at room temperature for about 2 hours. Recommended method: Remove the frozen bananas from their packaging and place them in an airtight container. Place everything in the refrigerator and let it defrost for about 24 hours.
How to ripen bananas ?
- Bananas emit a gas called ethylene which accelerates the maturation of fruits and vegetables around them. By putting them in a paper bag, you create a confined environment where ethylene can be concentrated, which will accelerate the maturation of bananas. - Apples also emit ethylene, so by putting bananas with apples, you accelerate the maturation of bananas.
How to keep green bananas ?
- If you buy green bananas that are not yet completely ripe, it may be useful to separate them from each other. The ripe bananas emit a gas called ethylene which accelerates the maturation of the surrounding bananas. By separating green bananas, you slow down this process. - Green bananas should be kept in a cool place, as in the fruit or vegetable tank in the refrigerator or a cool kitchen location. This will slow down their maturation. - Keep green bananas in a dark place.
What vitamins in bananas ?
- Vitamin B6: bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells. - Vitamin C: bananas contain vitamin C, which is important for the immune system, healthy skin and hair, and healing of wounds. - Vitamin A: bananas also contain moderate quantities of vitamin A, which is important for the health of vision, growth and development of bones and teeth.
What are the benefits of bananas ?
With a high carbohydrate content, banana brings energy. It is rich in magnesium constituting a natural anti-stress. This fruit also contains antioxidants and has anti-acid effects.

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