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There are different types of honeys. For monofloral honey to claim an appellation, it must contain at least 50% pollen from the plant it highlights. Sunflower honey, bright yellow, creamy and not very aromatic. The biggest production among French honeys. The acacia mile from the flowers of the robinier, clear and liquid with a delicate flavor. Orange honey, yellow in color that has the taste of cooked fruit. Honey can also have particularities linked to the season or a specificity of places such as mountain honey, maquis honey.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

304 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
4 Mg
52 Mg
82 G
0 G
82 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
0 Mg
2 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
6 Mg


How to caramelize honey ?
To caramelize the honey, boil a mixture of water and honey. Simmer until the mixture begins to thicken and have a beautiful caramel color.
How to do honey mustard ?
To make honey mustard, swell the mustard seeds with vinegar at room temperature for at least 8 hours. Mix the seeds more or less at length with honey and other ingredients (flour, oil, turmeric ...) until the desired consistency is obtained.
How to make honey based on sugar ?
To make sugar honey, cook the sugar with water and 1 tablespoon of honey or glucose syrup. Add the lemon 1/2 juice and 2 lemon slices to bring a slightly tart flavor. Let boil for 15 to 20 minutes.
How to make honey candies ?
To make candy with honey, wear a mixture of sugar, honey and butter at a temperature of 140 ° C. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to relieve a sore throat.
How to do rose honey ?
To make pink honey, boil honey with rose petals for about thirty minutes. Avoid using roses coming from trade which are often treated. Crush the petals when filtering the preparation.
How to make a honey goat pizza ?
To make a honey goat pizza, cover the paste with crème fraîche or tomato coulis. In addition to the goat cheese rings, add grated Gruyèreère for more taste. Use lavender or acacia honey.
How to replace sugar with honey ?
Honey having a more sweet power than sugar, it is advisable to put a third less. To do the calculation, multiply the amount of sugar by 0.66. For 50 g sugar, count 33 g of honey.
What are the benefits of honey ?
With anti-bacterial properties, honey strengthens the immune system. It also has antimicrobial properties and is rich in antioxidants.
What are the benefits of honey and cinnamon ?
The association of honey and cinnamon promotes weight loss, regularizes heart rate and strengthens the heart. This mixture also stimulates immune defenses and has antibiotic virtues.
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Index of Ingredients