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olive oil

Olive oil is a popular vegetable oil obtained by cold pressure from olives. It is produced in many regions of the world, notably in Italy, Greece, Spain and California. It is used in the kitchen for its soft and fruity flavor, as well as for its health benefits. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fats, which are considered healthy for the heart and the cardiovascular system. It is also a source of antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it contains important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and potassium. Olive oil is often used in the kitchen to season vegetable, meat and fish dishes, as well as to prepare sauces and dressings. It can also be used as a condiment, replacing butter or margarine, to spread bread or to add a touch of flavor to the dishes.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

884 Cal
100 G
0 Mg
2 G
1 Mg
0 G
0 G
0 G
Vitamin A
0 Mg
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
Vitamin D
0 Mg
Vitamin E
0 Mg
0.6 Mg
0 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
1 Mg


How to make olive oil at home ?
To make olive oil at home, use fresh, green or black olives. Once washed and dried, crush them
What are the benefits of olive oil ?
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, especially in oleic acid, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. It is also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which can protect against cellular damage and premature aging.
What are the different types of olive oil ?
There are several types of olive oil, including extra virgin, virgin and refined. Extra virgin olive oil is the purest and tastiest, because it is obtained from fresh and cold pressed olives, without any chemical treatment. Virgin olive oil is also obtained from fresh olives, but can contain impurities and flaws of taste. Refined olive oil is treated to eliminate impurities and flaws of taste, but thus loses part of its nutrients.
What are the different origins of olive oil ?
There are many regions producing olive oil in the world, each with unique characteristics in terms of varieties of olives used, cultivation and production methods. Here are some of the main regions producing olive oil: - Italy: the most common olive varieties in Italy are the frantoio, the Leccino and the Pendolino. - Spain: The most common olive varieties in Spain are the Hojiblanca, the Picual and the Arbequina. - Greece: The most common olive varieties in Greece are Koroneiki, Athinolia and Manaki. - Portugal: The most common olive varieties in Portugal are the cordovil, cobrançosa and verdeal. - Tunisia: The most common olive varieties in Tunisia are Chemlali, Zitouni and Meski. - Morocco: The most common olive varieties in Morocco are Chemlali, Zitouni and Meski.
How to keep olive oil ?
Keep the olive oil in a fresh and dark place, such as a cupboard or a wardrobe, far from the heat and direct sunlight. Olive oil can become rancid and lose its nutritional properties if it is exposed to heat or light.
What is the fatty acid content of olive oil ?
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, especially in oleic acid, which represents about 75-80% of its composition in fatty acids. The other fatty acids present in olive oil are palmitic (14-20%) and linoleic (3-10%).

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